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Our goal is to empower Californians by making it easy for them to sign Ballot Initiative petitions to improve the state.

By participating, you will:

  • Raise awareness among your community about important issues like School Choice, Voter ID, 2nd Amendment rights, Right-to-Life, and Tax reform.
  • Inform more people to support these causes, countering media and academic misrepresentations.
  • Help qualify initiatives for the ballot, where citizens can decide on important issues, with research indicating majority support.
  • Unite various organizations with shared goals, such as 2nd Amendment and Right-to-Life groups.
  • Save millions of dollars usually required to qualify initiatives, reducing costs to a few thousand dollars through widespread participation.
  • Force Sacramento to address critical issues like crime, homelessness, illegal immigration, education, and government spending by helping voters become more informed.

"Ballot Initiatives to restore power to the people"

Recent Articles

Empowering Citizens: Here’s the IDEA!

Imagine you have a fantastic idea for a ballot initiative. You find a lawyer who drafts it for free, and you get it approved in Sacramento. Now, you face the daunting task of collecting enough signatures to qualify it for the ballot. This process can…

Power Of Ballot Initiatives

The Unifying Power of Ballot Initiatives in a Free Society In the complex and often contentious landscape of American politics, one democratic tool consistently transcends party lines, garners broad support, and translates grassroots energy into tangible policy changes: ballot initiatives. These initiatives empower…

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Together, we make it happen!

Our goal is to empower citizens to take a more active part in their own governance, specifically by making it easier for citizens to use California’s Ballot Initiative process to produce, submit, and qualify Initiatives for the General Election. Issues such as Voter ID, Tax reform, Education, Crime, and Homelessness are extremely important to voters, but Sacramento often refuses to deal with these topics because of bureaucracy, red tape, special interests, and the problem of one-party rule in California.

“Empowering citizens to play a more active role in their governance”