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Possible Future Initiatives

  • Protect Ballot Initiative Process – Downloadability, # of Signatures, add electronic signups? etc. Perhaps EXPAND the process by lowering the signature threshold and requiring a “Primary” Yes / No vote. This should be FIRST!
  • School Choice
  • Mandate Voter I.D.
  • Return to Voting DAY (or weekend?) – Outlaw most Mail-in Ballots
  • Outlaw Voting Machines – Return to Paper Ballot
  • Dissolve “Jungle Primary”
  • Outlaw Voting by Non-Citizens in ANY Elections
  • Outlaw Statewide, National, or Multi-Agency Public Sector unions
  • Outlaw Sanctuary Cities or State
  • Outlaw Illegal Aliens getting Government Benefits or Jobs
  • Outlaw Hiring Illegal Aliens – Criminal Penalties
  • Outlaw Leasing Dwellings to Illegal Aliens – Criminal Penalties
  • Outlaw CRT and/or LGBTQ+ for Grades 1-12
  • Outlaw Transgender Surgery or Medication for Minors
  • Strengthen Prop 13 – ELIMINATE taxes for retirees in their own homes?
  • Require Public Referendum for any/all Tax Increases with 2/3 (or ¾?) Vote
  • Require Balanced Budget
  • No Taxpayer support for Abortions or Transgender Procedures for nonresidents
  • Expand Term Limits/Create “Emeritus”, nonvoting positions?
  • Make the Legislature a Part-Time Legislature
  • Replace State Senate Districts with Counties – NO GERRYMANDERING!
  • Five-Year delay from Elective Office to Lobbyist
  • Protect Identities of ALL signers of Legal Petitions
  • Update, Upgrade and Defend Power Grid
  • Force Sacramento to build more Water Catchment Projects

Have an Idea for an Initiative?

Submit your own idea for a ballot Initiative or make a comment using the form below.  Change starts with you!