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Petition Instructional Video

Important Signature Requirements

  • BLACK or BLUE Ink only.  No Felt Pens or pencils!
  • STAY IN THE BOX! Start ABOVE THE LINE and write SMALL. Beware of J, g, p, q, y!
  • Use the name you as Registered to Vote. If unsure, use your Driver’s License name.
  • RESIDENCE ADDRESS ONLY. NO P.O. Boxes allowed!
  • WRITE OUT the COMPLETE NAME of your city, even if it’s RANCHO CUCAMONGA! No abbreviations!
  • All signers of one petition sheet must be from the SAME COUNTY.
  • Be sure to fill in the “Collector’s Information” at the bottom.
  • Staple ALL PAGES of the Petition together.
  • That’s all there is to it! If you like, you can re-view the video for visual examples of Do’s and Don’ts. Thanks for what you’re doing